Diary of a Fit Pregnant Chick:  “The Waiting Game.” Surviving the 3rd Trimester.

Diary of a Fit Pregnant Chick: “The Waiting Game.” Surviving the 3rd Trimester.

I’ve been wanting to write this blog for what has seemed like an eternity.  I wish I would have written this earlier in my 3rd trimester when I felt like a rock star, but hey, better late than never.  Now there’s probably going to be things I have forgotten to include (yes, “pregnant brain” is legit) because I have not carved…

Thin Mint Protein Cookies!

Thin Mint Protein Cookies!

Here’s my healthy attempt at satisfying my craving for Thin Mint Cookies!  Very easy to make…let me know what you think!  Hope you enjoy them! Ingredients: 1/2 cup melted coconut oil 1/4 cup organic milk (of your choice) 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt 2 1/2 cups of Mint Chocolate Isalean Protein Powder…

Mint Chocolate Protein Pancakes!

Mint Chocolate Protein Pancakes!

Ok, you be the judge, but I think I have figured out the missing ingredient in my protein pancakes that will make non-health nuts believe they’re eating real pancakes vs. our healthy trickery versions. Below are the ingredients I recommend for maximum satisfaction & health benefits.  The list is void of artificial ingredients/gmo’s/hormones.  Feel free to swap out what you want…