20 Day Flexibility Challenge


Take 20 days to earn your right and left splits, straddles, AND the coveted “pancake” (full V-Sit with chest on the floor).  My online get-flexy-fast program will help you form a daily stretching habit, while teaching you the various techniques and exercises on HOW to become more flexible at any age and any stage.  This program is ideal for those with the “tightest” bodies to even the most gummbie! 

Categories: , Product ID: 27204


Take 20 days to earn your right and left splits, straddles, AND the coveted “pancake” (full V-Sit with chest on the floor).  My online get-flexy-fast program will help you form a daily stretching habit, while teaching you the various techniques and exercises on HOW to become more flexible at any age and any stage.  This program is ideal for those with the “tightest” bodies to even the most gummbie!

You can do the assignments at any time of the day. You will be given video instructions and a weekly calendar of recommendations based on 3 elements I provide:

A bedtime ritual that involves you doing easy stretches before going to sleep (5 minutes)
A daily dynamic warm-up that is to be performed prior to the main lesson of the day (5 minutes)
Main lesson of the day: Either R/L Splits; Straddle, or pancakes

Bonuses include: pre-recorded Empowered Yoga Session with me!!!